C’est Bon, 644 Darling Street, Rozelle

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C’est Bon is listed in the following categories: Establishment   Cafe   Food  


+61 2 9555 4901

644 Darling Street, Rozelle, New South Wales 2039

Establishment   Cafe   Food  

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  • Lorraine McDonald
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    C'est Bon catered for a French themed party I held and the food was superb. Everyone loved the variety and quality of the finger food. The owner was great helping me decide what to select for my 'specials' -
    my vegetarian and gluten free friends as well. And when she delivered the food, she then helped me layout the food on platters and took all the boxes with her, which was terrific seeing as people were arriving in an hour or so. The little name cards with what each plate held enticed my friends as well. Indeed, c'est bon!!! Merci, merci, merci!
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C’est Bon is based in Rozelle. Full address is 644 Darling Street. Australia postal code is 2039. We invite you to visit the official website of C’est Bon . There you can find last news, actual informations about working hours, additional contact details. Also you can call the contact number +61 2 9555 4901 to ask your questions. In today's world the easiest way to get information from social media profiles. Please check facebook, google+, twitter social profiles of C’est Bon.
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